Anneliese Bläsing


Is Anneliese Bläsing Dead or Still Alive? Anneliese Bläsing Birthday and Date of Death

Anneliese Bläsing

Anneliese Bläsing Death

Anneliese passed away on January 31, 1996 at the age of 72.

Anneliese Bläsing death quick facts:
  • When did Anneliese Bläsing die?

    January 31, 1996
  • How old was Anneliese Bläsing when died?


Anneliese Bläsing Birthday and Date of Death

Anneliese Bläsing was born on June 2, 1923 and died on January 31, 1996. Anneliese was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 2, 1923
Date of Death: January 31, 1996
Age at Death: 72

Anneliese Bläsing - Biography

Anneliese Bläsing (2 June 1923 – 31 January 1996) was a German politician. A member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) at the age of 17 until the end of World War II, she later became a founding member of the NPD and was the national women's officer of the party. From 1953 to 1957 she was a secretary in the German Bundestag and from 1 December 1966 to 30 November 1970 she was a member of the Hesse state parliament.