Antonio Carlos Jobim


Is Antonio Carlos Jobim Dead or Still Alive? Antonio Carlos Jobim Birthday and Date of Death

Antonio Carlos Jobim

Antonio Carlos Jobim Death

Antonio passed away on December 8, 1994 at the age of 67 in Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City, NY. Antonio's cause of death was cardiac arrest (brought on by pulmonary embolism).

Antonio Carlos Jobim death quick facts:
  • When did Antonio Carlos Jobim die?

    December 8, 1994
  • How did Antonio Carlos Jobim die? What was the cause of death?

    Cardiac arrest (brought on by pulmonary embolism)
  • How old was Antonio Carlos Jobim when died?

  • Where did Antonio Carlos Jobim die? What was the location of death?

    Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City, NY

Antonio Carlos Jobim Birthday and Date of Death

Antonio Carlos Jobim was born on January 25, 1927 and died on December 8, 1994. Antonio was 67 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 25, 1927
Date of Death: December 8, 1994
Age at Death: 67

Antonio Carlos Jobim - Biography

Antônio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim (January 25, 1927 – December 8, 1994), also known as Tom Jobim was a Brazilian composer, pianist, songwriter, arranger and singer. He was a primary force behind the creation of the bossa nova style, and his songs have been performed by many singers and instrumentalists within Brazil and internationally.