Arthur Howard


Is Arthur Howard Dead or Still Alive? Arthur Howard Birthday and Date of Death

Arthur Howard

Arthur Howard Death

Arthur passed away on June 18, 1995 at the age of 85 in London, England, UK.

Arthur Howard death quick facts:
  • When did Arthur Howard die?

    June 18, 1995
  • How old was Arthur Howard when died?

  • Where did Arthur Howard die? What was the location of death?

    London, England, UK

Arthur Howard Birthday and Date of Death

Arthur Howard was born on January 18, 1910 and died on June 18, 1995. Arthur was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 18, 1910
Date of Death: June 18, 1995
Age at Death: 85

Is Arthur Howard's father, Ferdinand Steiner, dead or alive?

Ferdinand Steiner's information is not available now.

Is Arthur Howard's mother, Lilian Blumberg, dead or alive?

Lilian Blumberg's information is not available now.

Arthur Howard's sisters :

Arthur has 2 sisters:
  • Irene Howard
  • Doris Steiner

Arthur Howard's brothers :

Arthur has 2 brothers:
  • Arthur Howard's brother, Leslie Howard, died on June 1, 1943 as he was 50 years old. His cause of death was casualty of war.

  • Jimmie Howard

Arthur Howard's pet, dead or alive?

  • Dog

Arthur Howard - Biography

Born as Arthur John Stainer, he was the younger son of Ferdinand (Frank) Steiner and Lilian Blumberg. His brother was the film actor Leslie Howard and his sister the casting director Irene Howard. His uncle was the film director Wilfrid Noy. He married the actress Jean Compton Mackenzie (a daughter of the actor Frank Compton) in 1936 and they had a son together, the stage actor Alan Howard.
Arthur appeared in several television programmes such as Whack-O, a school comedy in which he played the hapless assistant headmaster Pettigrew to Jimmy Edwards's headmaster, and he was in the 1959 film version Bottoms Up. He appeared in many films, including American Friends, The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins, and had the small role of Cavendish in the James Bond film Moonraker.

Balding, worried-looking London-born comic actor, who first rose to prominence as Jimmy Edwards's long-suffering headmaster in 'Whack-O!' on BBC radio. The show was later transferred to the screen by BBC TV and ran from 1956 to 1960 in its original format.