Ashley Lynn


Is Ashley Lynn Dead or Still Alive? Ashley Lynn Birthday and Age

Ashley Lynn

How Old Is Ashley Lynn? Ashley Lynn Birthday

Ashley Lynn was born on November 7, 1986 and is 37 years old now.

Birthday: November 7, 1986
How Old - Age: 37

Ashley Lynn Death Fact Check

Ashley is alive and kicking and is currently 37 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Ashley Lynn - Biography

Weight: 110 lbs.Measurements: 34D-27-32When crossing paths with Ashley, make sure to do so with confidence and respect. "I hate it when guys come up to me with an attitude, thinking they`re all that," the former rodeo rider says. "I`m a normal girl who deserves respect." Hot showers and Barry White tunes put her in a sexy mood. "Kissing is key -- slow and passionate. I like it when the guy takes control but isn`t too aggressive."