Augie Galan Death
August passed away on December 28, 1993 at the age of 81 in Fairfield, CA.
When did Augie Galan die?
December 28, 1993How old was Augie Galan when died?
81Where did Augie Galan die? What was the location of death?
Fairfield, CA
Augie Galan Birthday and Date of Death
Augie Galan was born on May 23, 1912 and died on December 28, 1993. August was 81 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: May 23, 1912
Date of Death: December 28, 1993
Age at Death: 81
Augie Galan - Biography
August John Galan (May 23, 1912 – December 28, 1993) was an American professional baseball player. A left fielder and center fielder, he played in the Major Leagues from 1934–49 for the Chicago Cubs (1934–41), Brooklyn Dodgers (1941–46), Cincinnati Reds (1947–48), New York Giants (1949) and Philadelphia Athletics (1949). Galan threw right-handed and began his career as a switch hitter, but, starting in the latter part of 1943, he became strictly a left-handed hitter until the end of his career. Born in Berkeley, California, Galan stood 6 feet (1.8 m) tall and weighed 175 pounds (79 kg).