Avery Carrington


Is Avery Carrington Dead or Still Alive? Avery Carrington Birthday and Date of Death

Avery Carrington

Avery Carrington Death

Avery passed away in 1998 at the age of 63.

Avery Carrington death quick facts:
  • When did Avery Carrington die?

  • How old was Avery Carrington when died?


Avery Carrington Birthday and Date of Death

Avery Carrington was born in 1935 and died in 1998. Avery was 63 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1935
Date of Death: 1998
Age at Death: 63

Avery Carrington - Biography

Birth-1986Avery Carrington was born and raised in Texas and later moved to Vice City, becoming, at some point, a successful property magnate and real estate mogul to his willingness to use any tactic including gang warfare, arson, intimidation, murder and demolishing opponents buildings. Avery is heavily influenced by his father and takes on a protégé, Donald Love, passing on his knowledge, which Love would later use to his own advantage.1986In 1986 he is financing the construction of a building in Vice Point and is one of Vice City's social elite, attending Colonel Juan Cortez' party. Carrington, however, faces problems from the Spand Express company, who refuse to sell their land, and another further advanced construction site opposite his own. Ken Rosenberg, a lawyer introduces Carrington to Tommy Vercetti, who helps to drive Spand Express out of their land by causing a riot in their yard and destroying three Spand Express vans. Carrington, impressed with Vercetti's ability, later hires him to murder a man who refuses to sell some land to Carrington and to structurally weaken a construction site located opposite his own. Carrington continues with his business before asking Vercetti for help again, this time having him create a gang war between the Cubans and the Haitians in order to drive down property prices, and later gives Vercetti advice in how to build his criminal empire in the city following the death of drug baron Ricardo Diaz.1986-1998Avery Carrington continued to expand his business, appearing on a billboard in Las Venturas, San Andreas in 1992.1998Avery continues in his work and in 1998 he flies to Francis International Airport to meet with the Colombian Cartel to discuss plans to re-develop the organized crime ravaged, gang warefare ridden, Mafia controlled district of Fort Staunton on Staunton Island, Liberty City. Carrington's old protégé, Donald Love, hears of his impending return and hires Toni Cipriani to kill Carrington to acquire his real estate plans, as the Panlantic Corporation who 'do anything to get prime real estate'. Toni Cipriani later steals Carrington's body for Love, who eats the body on his flight away from Liberty City.