B.S. Pully


Is B.S. Pully Dead or Still Alive? B.S. Pully Birthday and Date of Death

B.S. Pully

B.S. Pully Death

B.S passed away on January 6, 1972 at the age of 61 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. B.S's cause of death was heart attack.

B.S. Pully death quick facts:
  • When did B.S. Pully die?

    January 6, 1972
  • How did B.S. Pully die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was B.S. Pully when died?

  • Where did B.S. Pully die? What was the location of death?

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

B.S. Pully Birthday and Date of Death

B.S. Pully was born on May 14, 1910 and died on January 6, 1972. B.S was 61 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 14, 1910
Date of Death: January 6, 1972
Age at Death: 61

B.S. Pully - Biography

B.S. Pully, (born Murray Lerman, May 14, 1910 - January 6, 1972) was a New York nightclub comedian and stage actor who created the role of Big Jule in the musical Guys and Dolls. He was noted for his blue humor and thick, gravelly voice.