Barbara Randolph


Is Barbara Randolph Dead or Still Alive? Barbara Randolph Birthday and Date of Death

Barbara Randolph

Barbara Randolph Death

Barbara passed away on July 15, 2002 at the age of 60.

Barbara Randolph death quick facts:
  • When did Barbara Randolph die?

    July 15, 2002
  • How old was Barbara Randolph when died?


Barbara Randolph Birthday and Date of Death

Barbara Randolph was born on May 5, 1942 and died on July 15, 2002. Barbara was 60 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 5, 1942
Date of Death: July 15, 2002
Age at Death: 60

Barbara Randolph - Biography

Barbara Randolph (5 May 1942 – 15 July 2002), also known as Barbara Ann Sanders, was an African American singer and actress who recorded for Motown Records in the 1960s.