Beatrice Pearson


Is Beatrice Pearson Dead or Still Alive? Beatrice Pearson Birthday and Date of Death

Beatrice Pearson

Beatrice Pearson Death

Beatrice passed away on February 1, 1986 at the age of 65.

Beatrice Pearson death quick facts:
  • When did Beatrice Pearson die?

    February 1, 1986
  • How old was Beatrice Pearson when died?


Beatrice Pearson Birthday and Date of Death

Beatrice Pearson was born on July 27, 1920 and died on February 1, 1986. Beatrice was 65 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 27, 1920
Date of Death: February 1, 1986
Age at Death: 65

Beatrice Pearson - Biography

Beatrice Pearson was born on July 27, 1920. She is best known for her role as co-star in the 1948 film noir Force of Evil. Force of Evil is a 1948 American crime film noir directed by Abraham Polonsky who had already achieved a name for himself as a scriptwriter, most notably for the gritty boxing film Body and Soul (1947).
She won a Theatre World Award in 1946 for Outstanding Broadway Debut Performance in The Mermaids Singing by John Van Druten.

Beatrice Pearson was born on 27 July 1920 in Denison, Texas, US. She died in February 1986.