Billy Connolly


Is Billy Connolly Dead or Still Alive? Billy Connolly Birthday and Age

Billy Connolly

How Old Is Billy Connolly? Billy Connolly Birthday

Billy Connolly was born on November 24, 1942 and is 81 years old now.

Birthday: November 24, 1942
How Old - Age: 81

Billy Connolly Death Fact Check

Billy is alive and kicking and is currently 81 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Billy Connolly - Biography

William "Billy" Connolly, CBE (born 24 November 1942) is a Scottish comedian, musician, presenter and actor. He is sometimes known, especially in his native Scotland, by the nickname "The Big Yin" ("The Big One"). His first trade, in the early 1960s, was as a welder (specifically a boilermaker) in the Glasgow shipyards, but he gave it up towards the end of the decade to pursue a career as a folk singer, firstly in the Humblebums alongside friend Gerry Rafferty until 1971, and subsequently as a solo artist. In the early 1970s, he made the transition from folk singer with a comedic persona to fully fledged comedian. Best known to many as a stand-up comedian, he appears in several lists of the greatest comedians ever, where he is often placed at the top.
Connolly's nickname The Big Yin was first used during his adolescent years to differentiate between himself and his father. "My father was a very strong man. Broad and strong. He had an 18½-inch neck collar. Huge, like a bull. He was "Big Billy" and I was "Wee Billy". And then I got bigger than him, and the whole thing got out of control. And then I became The Big Yin in Scotland. So, we'd go into the pub and someone would say, 'Billy Connolly was in.' 'Oh? Big Billy or Wee Billy?' 'The Big Yin.' 'Oh, Wee Billy.' If you were a stranger, you'd think, 'What are these people talking about?!'"

Connolly has been married to his second wife, comedian and psychologist Pamela Stephenson, since 1989. He is father to five children: two from his first marriage, to Iris Pressagh, and three from his second. Connolly became a grandfather in 2001, when his daughter Cara gave birth to Walter.
In September 2013, Connolly underwent minor surgery for early-stage prostate cancer. The announcement also stated that he was being treated for the initial symptoms of Parkinson's disease. In January 2019, he disclosed that its advance may force his retirement from performing.