BJ Smith


Is BJ Smith Dead or Still Alive? BJ Smith Birthday and Age

BJ Smith

BJ Smith Death Fact Check

Bj is alive and kicking.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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BJ Smith - Biography

Before 1986BJ Smith is a former tight-end for the Vice City Mambas, a professional American football team, and has decided to concentrate on business. He has since purchased Sunshine Autos and renamed it to BJ's Used Autos and has released his own fitness video called BJ's Fit for Football.1980sBJ has struggled to come to terms with life after his football career, although he is known to frequent Colonel Cortez' yacht party. The police are also investigating Smith for his used car business, which they suspect is a front for selling stolen cars. Smith is in debt and is doing anything for money, including training for a return to pro football, but upcoming crime lord Tommy Vercetti bought his dealership from him as a front for his car theft ring. He continued the underground chop shop business, "Donating" stolen cars and also participating in illegal street races. BJ announced to Tommy that he was coming out of retirement and preparing his future comeback.BJ Smith's approach in life is said to be heavy handed, citing football as an inspiration to his claims of resolving many of life's challenges with aggression and violence. The Vice City Police Department's file on Smith also says that he is known for violently tackling his opponents.