Bob Forrest


Is Bob Forrest Dead or Still Alive? Bob Forrest Birthday and Date of Death

Bob Forrest

Bob Forrest Death

Bob passed away on November 28, 2011 at the age of 50.

Bob Forrest death quick facts:
  • When did Bob Forrest die?

    November 28, 2011
  • How old was Bob Forrest when died?


Bob Forrest Birthday and Date of Death

Bob Forrest was born on February 15, 1961 and died on November 28, 2011. Bob was 50 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 15, 1961
Date of Death: November 28, 2011
Age at Death: 50

Bob Forrest - Biography

Robert O'Neil "Bob" Forrest (born February 15, 1961) is the lead vocalist and lyricist for Los Angeles bands Thelonious Monster and The Bicycle Thief. In September 2006 he released his first solo album, Modern Folk and Blues Wednesday. He is also a drug counselor, appearing alongside Dr. Drew Pinsky on Celebrity Rehab and Sober House.