Brandon Iron


Is Brandon Iron Dead or Still Alive? Brandon Iron Birthday and Date of Death

Brandon Iron

Brandon Iron Death

Brandon passed away in 2019 at the age of 50 in Dublin, Ireland. Brandon's cause of death was suicide.

Brandon Iron death quick facts:
  • When did Brandon Iron die?

  • How did Brandon Iron die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Brandon Iron when died?

  • Where did Brandon Iron die? What was the location of death?

    Dublin, Ireland

Brandon Iron Birthday and Date of Death

Brandon Iron was born on July 14, 1968 and died in 2019. Brandon was 50 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 14, 1968
Date of Death: 2019
Age at Death: 50

Brandon Iron - Biography

Brandon Iron (born on July 14, 1968 as Brendan Hurdle) is a Canadian pornographic actor and director.
Brandon Iron worked in a hamburger restaurant before turning Bonfire of the Panties with Ashley Nicole in 1991. He did not really get into the industry until 1997. Since then, he has more than 500 films in his career including the series Slap Happy, A good source of Iron, and Baker's Dozen he realized himself.

He lived and worked in California for production companies like Platinum X and JM Productions.
Brandon Iron, who had mysteriously fallen out of contact with friends since roughly mid-April 2019, in fact died around that time in Dublin, where he had been living for several years with his girlfriend Sarah O'Brien and their daughter Lily.