Buddy Starcher


Is Buddy Starcher Dead or Still Alive? Buddy Starcher Birthday and Date of Death

Buddy Starcher

Buddy Starcher Death

Buddy passed away on November 2, 2001 at the age of 95 in Harrisonburg, Virginia, United States.

Buddy Starcher death quick facts:
  • When did Buddy Starcher die?

    November 2, 2001
  • How old was Buddy Starcher when died?

  • Where did Buddy Starcher die? What was the location of death?

    Harrisonburg, Virginia, United States

Buddy Starcher Birthday and Date of Death

Buddy Starcher was born on March 16, 1906 and died on November 2, 2001. Buddy was 95 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 16, 1906
Date of Death: November 2, 2001
Age at Death: 95

Buddy Starcher - Biography

Buddy Starcher (born Oby Edgar Starcher, 16 March 1906, Ripley, West Virginia — died 2 November 2001, Harrisonburg, Virginia) was an American country singer whose first record releases were in 1946, although he had been performing since his teens, often billed as "The Boy from Down Home".