Carl E. Douglas


Is Carl E. Douglas Dead or Still Alive? Carl E. Douglas Birthday and Age

Carl E. Douglas

How Old Is Carl E. Douglas? Carl E. Douglas Birthday

Carl E. Douglas was born on May 8, 1955 and is 69 years old now.

Birthday: May 8, 1955
How Old - Age: 69

Carl E. Douglas Death Fact Check

Carl E. is alive and kicking and is currently 69 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Carl E. Douglas - Biography

Carl Edwin Douglas (born May 8, 1955) is an American lawyer, specializing in police misconduct cases. He is best known for being one of the defense attorneys in the O.J. Simpson murder case. Douglas completed his undergraduate degree at Northwestern University and earned his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the University of Michigan Law School. He is the former managing attorney at the Law Office of Johnnie Cochran Jr, before leaving the firm to start his own firm, The Douglas Law Group, in 1998. Among Douglas' other high profile clients have been: singer Michael Jackson; actors Jamie Foxx and Queen Latifah; and former NFL safety Darren Sharper.