Carl Hubbell


Is Carl Hubbell Dead or Still Alive? Carl Hubbell Birthday and Date of Death

Carl Hubbell

Carl Hubbell Death

Carl passed away on November 21, 1988 at the age of 85 in Scottsdale, AZ.

Carl Hubbell death quick facts:
  • When did Carl Hubbell die?

    November 21, 1988
  • How old was Carl Hubbell when died?

  • Where did Carl Hubbell die? What was the location of death?

    Scottsdale, AZ

Carl Hubbell Birthday and Date of Death

Carl Hubbell was born on June 22, 1903 and died on November 21, 1988. Carl was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 22, 1903
Date of Death: November 21, 1988
Age at Death: 85

Carl Hubbell - Biography

Carl Owen Hubbell (June 22, 1903 – November 21, 1988), nicknamed "The Meal Ticket" and "King Carl", was an American baseball player. He was a member of the New York Giants in the National League from 1928 to 1943. He remained on the team's payroll for the rest of his life, long after their move to San Francisco.