Carl Mays


Is Carl Mays Dead or Still Alive? Carl Mays Birthday and Date of Death

Carl Mays

Carl Mays Death

Carl passed away on April 4, 1971 at the age of 79 in El Cajon, CA.

Carl Mays death quick facts:
  • When did Carl Mays die?

    April 4, 1971
  • How old was Carl Mays when died?

  • Where did Carl Mays die? What was the location of death?

    El Cajon, CA

Carl Mays Birthday and Date of Death

Carl Mays was born on November 12, 1891 and died on April 4, 1971. Carl was 79 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 12, 1891
Date of Death: April 4, 1971
Age at Death: 79

Carl Mays - Biography

Carl William Mays (November 12, 1891 – April 4, 1971) was a right-handed pitcher in Major League Baseball from 1915 to 1929. He is primarily remembered for throwing the beanball that killed Ray Chapman of the Cleveland Indians on August 16, 1920. Chapman became the only Major League player to die as a direct result of an on-field injury.