Carla Castillo Death
Carla passed away on November 16, 1971 at the age of 10 in Rochester, New York.
Carla Castillo death quick facts:
When did Carla Castillo die?
November 16, 1971How old was Carla Castillo when died?
10Where did Carla Castillo die? What was the location of death?
Rochester, New York
Carla Castillo Birthday and Date of Death
Carla Castillo was born on January 17, 1961 and died on November 16, 1971. Carla was 10 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 17, 1961
Date of Death: November 16, 1971
Age at Death: 10
Is Carla Castillo's father, Jay Castillo, dead or alive?
Jay Castillo's information is not available now.
Is Carla Castillo's mother, Elisa Castillo, dead or alive?
Elisa Castillo's information is not available now.
Carla Castillo - Biography
Hi People My Name Is Carla CastilloI Was Born And Rise Rochester, New York. I Was Born On Jan 17,1961.I Was Only Ten Years Old When I WasFound r*ped,Killed. I Wish I Could Stay Here Forever And Now I WillThis Is Where I Was r*ped,Killed. IKnow Who Killed Me And Soon You WillTo.