Carrie Esposito


Is Carrie Esposito Dead or Still Alive? Carrie Esposito Birthday and Date of Death

Carrie Esposito

Carrie Esposito Death

Carrie passed away on January 30, 2012 at the age of 43 in Krefeld, Germany. Carrie's cause of death was abdominal aneurysm.

Carrie Esposito death quick facts:
  • When did Carrie Esposito die?

    January 30, 2012
  • How did Carrie Esposito die? What was the cause of death?

    Abdominal aneurysm
  • How old was Carrie Esposito when died?

  • Where did Carrie Esposito die? What was the location of death?

    Krefeld, Germany

Carrie Esposito Birthday and Date of Death

Carrie Esposito was born in 1969 and died on January 30, 2012. Carrie was 43 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1969
Date of Death: January 30, 2012
Age at Death: 43

Is Carrie Esposito's father, Phil Esposito, dead or alive?

Carrie Esposito's father, Phil Esposito, is still alive and kicking at the age of 82. He is Canadian and has had a career as an ice hockey player.

Carrie Esposito - Biography

Carrie Esposito is the daughter of Phil Esposito. Phil Esposito is a Canadian broadcaster, and former professional ice hockey executive, coach and player. A member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, he played 18 seasons in the National Hockey League for the Chicago Black Hawks, Boston Bruins and New York Rangers.
Carrie Esposito Selivanov was the wife of former Tampa Bay Lightning winger Alex Selivanov. The couple have three children, Dylan, Nikko and Rocco. They were living in Germany because Selivanov has been playing and coaching in the Netherlands.

Carrie Esposito Selivanov died suddenly in Krefeld, Germany at the age of 43.