Charles Mingus


Is Charles Mingus Dead or Still Alive? Charles Mingus Birthday and Date of Death

Charles Mingus

Charles Mingus Death

Charles passed away on January 5, 1979 at the age of 56.

Charles Mingus death quick facts:
  • When did Charles Mingus die?

    January 5, 1979
  • How old was Charles Mingus when died?


Charles Mingus Birthday and Date of Death

Charles Mingus was born on April 22, 1922 and died on January 5, 1979. Charles was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 22, 1922
Date of Death: January 5, 1979
Age at Death: 56

Charles Mingus - Biography

Charles Mingus Jr. (April 22, 1922 – January 5, 1979) was an American jazz double bassist, composer and bandleader. His compositions retained the hot and soulful feel of hard bop, drawing heavily from black gospel music and blues, while sometimes containing elements of Third Stream, free jazz, and classical music. He once cited Duke Ellington and church as his main influences.