Della Reese


Is Della Reese Dead or Still Alive? Della Reese Birthday and Date of Death

Della Reese

Della Reese Death

Della passed away on 19 November, 2017 at the age of 93 in Encino, California, USA.

Della Reese death quick facts:
  • When did Della Reese die?

    19 November, 2017
  • How old was Della Reese when died?

  • Where did Della Reese die? What was the location of death?

    Encino, California, USA

Della Reese Birthday and Date of Death

Della Reese was born on July 6, 1931 and died on 19 November, 2017. Della was 93 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 6, 1931
Date of Death: 19 November, 2017
Age at Death: 93

Is Della Reese's father, Richard Early, dead or alive?

Richard Early's information is not available now.

Is Della Reese's mother, Nellie Early, dead or alive?

Nellie Early's information is not available now.

Della Reese's pet, dead or alive?

  • Tootsie (poodle)

Della Reese - Biography

Della Reese, is an American singer, actress, game show panelist of the 1970s, one-time talk-show hostess and ordained minister. She started her career in the 1950s as a gospel, pop and jazz singer, scoring a hit with her 1959 single "Don't You Know?". In the late 1960s, she had hosted her own talk show, Della, which ran for 197 episodes. Through four decades of acting, she is best known for playing Tess, the lead role on the 1994-2003 television show Touched by an Angel. In more recent times, she became an ordained New Thought minister in the Understanding Principles for Better Living Church in Los Angeles, California.