Dionne Warwick


Is Dionne Warwick Dead or Still Alive? Dionne Warwick Birthday and Age

Dionne Warwick

How Old Is Dionne Warwick? Dionne Warwick Birthday

Dionne Warwick was born on December 12, 1940 and is 83 years old now.

Birthday: December 12, 1940
How Old - Age: 83

Dionne Warwick Death Fact Check

Dionne is alive and kicking and is currently 83 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Dionne Warwick's father, Mancel Warrick, dead or alive?

Mancel Warrick's information is not available now.

Is Dionne Warwick's mother, Lee, dead or alive?

Lee's information is not available now.

Dionne Warwick's sister :

  • Dionne Warwick's sister, Dee Dee Warwick, died on October 18, 2008 as he was 63 years old.

Dionne Warwick's brother :

  • Mancel Jr.

Dionne Warwick - Biography

Dionne Warwick is an American singer, actress and TV-show host, who became a United Nations Global Ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization, and a United States Ambassador of Health.
Dionne Warwick married actor and drummer William David Elliott (1934–1983) (CBS' Bridget Loves Bernie - 1972–73) in 1966; they divorced in May 1967. They reconciled and were remarried in Milan, Italy, in August 1967, according to Time. On January 18, 1969, while living in East Orange, New Jersey, she gave birth to her first son, David Elliott.

In 1973, her second son Damon Elliott was born. On May 30, 1975, the couple separated and Warwick was granted a divorce in December 1975 in Los Angeles. The court denied Elliott's request for $2000 a month in support pending a community property trial, and for $5000, when he insisted he was making $500 a month in comparison to Warwick making $100,000 a month. Warwick stated in Don't Make Me Over: Dionne Warwick, a 2002 Biography Channel interview, "I was the breadwinner. The male ego is a fragile thing. It's hard when the woman is the breadwinner. All my life, the only man who ever took care of me financially was my father. I have always taken care of myself."
On January 24, 2015, Warwick was hospitalized after a fall in the shower at her home. After ankle surgery, she was released from the hospital.