Dixie Locke


Is Dixie Locke Dead or Still Alive? Dixie Locke Birthday and Date of Death

Dixie Locke

Dixie Locke Death

Dixie passed away on December 19, 2023 at the age of 85.

Dixie Locke death quick facts:
  • When did Dixie Locke die?

    December 19, 2023
  • How old was Dixie Locke when died?


Dixie Locke Birthday and Date of Death

Dixie Locke was born in 1938 and died on December 19, 2023. Dixie was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1938
Date of Death: December 19, 2023
Age at Death: 85

Dixie Locke - Biography

Dixie Locke Emmons was a close girlfriend of Elvis' from early 1953 until October 1955. Dixie was dating Elvis Presley in 1954. Dixie dated Elvis for about two more years during which he played small concerts and clubs. Elvis attended the junior and senior proms with Dixie Locke in 1954 and 1955 at South Side High School. Afterward, they slowly drifted apart. 'It was kind of a mutual thing.
His career was going in one direction, and I didn't feel that I could be a part of it. His career kind of consumed him there, and there wasn't much time for anything else'. Dixie Locke later married and is now known as Dixie Locke Emmons.

Over the years, Dixie attended many events with us here at Graceland and we are thrilled she was able to share her story with so many. Dixie will be deeply missed by all of us at Graceland. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Dixie’s husband, daughter, and entire family.