Dorota Rabczewska


Is Dorota Rabczewska Dead or Still Alive? Dorota Rabczewska Birthday and Age

Dorota Rabczewska

How Old Is Dorota Rabczewska? Dorota Rabczewska Birthday

Dorota Rabczewska was born on February 15, 1984 and is 40 years old now.

Birthday: February 15, 1984
How Old - Age: 40

Dorota Rabczewska Death Fact Check

Dorota is alive and kicking and is currently 40 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Dorota Rabczewska's father, Pawel Rabczewski, dead or alive?

Pawel Rabczewski's information is not available now.

Is Dorota Rabczewska's mother, Wanda Rabczewska, dead or alive?

Wanda Rabczewska's information is not available now.

Dorota Rabczewska's brother :

  • Rafal Rabczewski

Dorota Rabczewska's pets, dead or alive?

  • Bianka (Dog)
  • Babel (Dog)
  • Bandzior (Dog)

Dorota Rabczewska - Biography

Dorota Rabczewska, more commonly known as Doda, is a Polish musical artist, among the most successful Polish artists in terms of number of prizes won. She is the MTV Europe Music Awards winner and the World Music Awards nominee. Doda is notable for her innovative and controversial performances and music videos. She was first known as a member of the Polish rock band Virgin. After the group disbanded in 2007 she continued with a solo career. In 2011, Polish magazine Viva! put her among ten most influential women in Poland.