E Sir


Is E Sir Dead or Still Alive? E Sir Birthday and Date of Death

E Sir

E Sir Death

E-Sir passed away on March 16, 2003 at the age of 21.

E Sir death quick facts:
  • When did E Sir die?

    March 16, 2003
  • How old was E Sir when died?


E Sir Birthday and Date of Death

E Sir was born on May 20, 1981 and died on March 16, 2003. E-Sir was 21 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 20, 1981
Date of Death: March 16, 2003
Age at Death: 21

E Sir - Biography

Issah Mmari Wangui (May 20, 1981 – March 16, 2003), better known by his stage name E-Sir, was a Kenyan hip hop artist. He was the elder brother to fellow Kenyan rapper Habib. He was famous for his deft lyrical ability and command of the Swahili language. The phenomenal popularity of his music disproved the myth that Kenyan music could never compete with imported pop. Even long after his death, he is still widely regarded as one of the best rappers to emerge on the Kenyan hip hop scene.