Earle Combs


Is Earle Combs Dead or Still Alive? Earle Combs Birthday and Date of Death

Earle Combs

Earle Combs Death

Earle passed away on July 21, 1976 at the age of 77 in Richmond, KY.

Earle Combs death quick facts:
  • When did Earle Combs die?

    July 21, 1976
  • How old was Earle Combs when died?

  • Where did Earle Combs die? What was the location of death?

    Richmond, KY

Earle Combs Birthday and Date of Death

Earle Combs was born on May 14, 1899 and died on July 21, 1976. Earle was 77 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 14, 1899
Date of Death: July 21, 1976
Age at Death: 77

Earle Combs - Biography

Earle Bryan Combs (May 14, 1899 – July 21, 1976) was an American professional baseball player who played his entire career for the New York Yankees (1924–35). Combs batted leadoff and played center field on the Yankees' fabled 1927 team (often referred to as Murderers' Row). He is one of six players on that team who have been inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame; the other five are Waite Hoyt, Herb Pennock, Tony Lazzeri, Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth.