Edmund I


Is Edmund I Dead or Still Alive? Edmund I Birthday and Date of Death

Edmund I

Edmund I Death

Edmund passed away on May 26, 946 at the age of 25.

Edmund I death quick facts:
  • When did Edmund I die?

    May 26, 946
  • How old was Edmund I when died?


Edmund I Birthday and Date of Death

Edmund I was born in 921 and died on May 26, 946. Edmund was 25 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 921
Date of Death: May 26, 946
Age at Death: 25

Edmund I - Biography

Edmund I (Old English: ) (922 – 26 May 946), called the Elder, the Deed-doer, the Just, or the Magnificent, was King of England from 939 until his death. He was a son of Edward the Elder and half-brother of Athelstan. Athelstan died on 27 October 939, and Edmund succeeded him as king.