Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln Death
Edward passed away on January 16, 1585 at the age of 73.
Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln death quick facts:
When did Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln die?
January 16, 1585How old was Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln when died?
Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln Birthday and Date of Death
Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln was born in 1512 and died on January 16, 1585. Edward was 73 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: 1512
Date of Death: January 16, 1585
Age at Death: 73
Is Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln's father, Thomas Clinton, dead or alive?
Thomas Clinton's information is not available now.
Is Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln's mother, Joan Poynings, dead or alive?
Joan Poynings's information is not available now.
Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln - Biography
Edward Fiennes, 1st Earl of Lincoln, KG, also known as Edward Clinton was an English nobleman and Lord High Admiral.