Ethel Kenyon


Is Ethel Kenyon Dead or Still Alive? Ethel Kenyon Birthday and Date of Death

Ethel Kenyon

Ethel Kenyon Death

Ethel passed away on January 22, 2004 at the age of 99 in New York City, New York. Ethel's cause of death was natural causes.

Ethel Kenyon death quick facts:
  • When did Ethel Kenyon die?

    January 22, 2004
  • How did Ethel Kenyon die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Ethel Kenyon when died?

  • Where did Ethel Kenyon die? What was the location of death?

    New York City, New York

Ethel Kenyon Birthday and Date of Death

Ethel Kenyon was born on June 17, 1904 and died on January 22, 2004. Ethel was 99 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 17, 1904
Date of Death: January 22, 2004
Age at Death: 99

Ethel Kenyon - Biography

Actress Ethel Kenyon died at age 99. Ms. Kenyon had a brief brush with stardom in the early 1930s. The actress appeared in several short films directed by Fatty Arbuckle. She married "International House" director A. Edward Sutherland. Sutherland helped her land a contract at United Artists. One messy divorce later, Ms. Kenyon was on her own. She retired from film and left Los Angeles. Ms. Kenyon’s credits include the Buck Jones Western film "Branded," "June Moon" and Howard Hughes’ "c*ck of the Air."