Eugen Baur


Is Eugen Baur Dead or Still Alive? Eugen Baur Birthday and Date of Death

Eugen Baur

Eugen Baur Death

Eugen passed away on May 10, 1981 at the age of 86 in Stuttgart, Germany.

Eugen Baur death quick facts:
  • When did Eugen Baur die?

    May 10, 1981
  • How old was Eugen Baur when died?

  • Where did Eugen Baur die? What was the location of death?

    Stuttgart, Germany

Eugen Baur Birthday and Date of Death

Eugen Baur was born on July 21, 1894 and died on May 10, 1981. Eugen was 86 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 21, 1894
Date of Death: May 10, 1981
Age at Death: 86

Eugen Baur - Biography

The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and its variants were the highest awards in the military and paramilitary forces of Nazi Germany during World War II.
The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded for a wide range of reasons and across all ranks, from a senior commander for skilled leadership of his troops in battle to a low-ranking soldier for a single act of extreme battlefiled bravery. Over 7,000 awards were made since its first presentation on 30 September 1939.

Presentations were made to members of the three military branches of the Wehrmacht—the Heer (Army), Kriegsmarine (Navy) and Luftwaffe (Air Force)—as well as the Waffen-SS, the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD—Reich Labour Service) and the Volkssturm (German national militia).