Eva May


Is Eva May Dead or Still Alive? Eva May Birthday and Date of Death

Eva May

Eva May Death

Eva passed away on September 19, 1924 at the age of 22 in Baden, Lower Austria, Austria. Eva's cause of death was suicide by gunshot.

Eva May death quick facts:
  • When did Eva May die?

    September 19, 1924
  • How did Eva May die? What was the cause of death?

    Suicide by gunshot
  • How old was Eva May when died?

  • Where did Eva May die? What was the location of death?

    Baden, Lower Austria, Austria

Eva May Birthday and Date of Death

Eva May was born on May 29, 1902 and died on September 19, 1924. Eva was 22 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 29, 1902
Date of Death: September 19, 1924
Age at Death: 22

Is Eva May's father, Joe May, dead or alive?

Joe May's information is not available now.

Is Eva May's mother, Mia May, dead or alive?

Mia May's information is not available now.

Eva May - Biography

Eva May was an Austrian actress. She was the daughter of the film director Joe May and his wife Mia May. She was married three times on each occasion to a film director: Manfred Liebenau, Lothar Mendes and the final time to Manfred Noa. In 1924 she committed suicide by gunshot.