Fearne Cotton


Is Fearne Cotton Dead or Still Alive? Fearne Cotton Birthday and Age

Fearne Cotton

How Old Is Fearne Cotton? Fearne Cotton Birthday

Fearne Cotton was born on September 3, 1981 and is 43 years old now.

Birthday: September 3, 1981
How Old - Age: 43

Fearne Cotton Death Fact Check

Fearne is alive and kicking and is currently 43 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Fearne Cotton's father, Mick Cotton, dead or alive?

Mick Cotton's information is not available now.

Is Fearne Cotton's mother, Lyn Cotton, dead or alive?

Lyn Cotton's information is not available now.

Fearne Cotton's brother :

  • Jamie Cotton

Fearne Cotton - Biography

Fearne Wood known professionally by her maiden name Cotton, is an English television and radio presenter, best known for presenting a number of popular television programmes such as Top of the Pops and the Red Nose Day telethons.
In 2003, Cotton moved over to mainstream broadcasting. She along with Simon Grant (her co-presenter from The Saturday Show) presented the spin-off show Top of the Pops: Saturday (later renamed Top of the Pops: Reloaded) that year. In 2004, she moved up to work alongside Reggie Yates on the main programme, Top of the Pops (the then flagship chartshow for the BBC) becoming one of the last regular presenters for that programme, which ended in July 2006. Due to other commitments, she was unable to present the final show itself, appearing instead in a short film shown at the head of that show, in which she made her personal farewells. Cotton and Yates presented the one-off Christmas and New Year specials in both 2008 and 2009, as well as the Comic Relief special in 2009.

Cotton dated skateboarder Jesse Jenkins who proposed on her 29th birthday. However, the engagement was called off and the couple split nine months later. Cotton starting dating Jesse Wood, the son of Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood. On 8 August 2012, Cotton announced she was pregnant with her first child, and on 21 February 2013, she announced on Twitter that she had given birth that morning to a son, Rex Rayne Wood. Wood and Cotton got married in July 2014. On 27 February 2015, Cotton announced that she was expecting her second child as part of her announcement that she was leaving BBC Radio 1, to start a new chapter. On 9 September 2015, she announced on Twitter that she had given birth that morning to a daughter, Honey Krissy Wood.
It was reported in the press on 21 July 2009, that whilst presenting the Radio 1 Chart Show two days previously Cotton had been the target of threatening text messages. These messages had been sent via the station's listener SMS service. Cotton was driven home after the show by police escort and a 21-year-old man was arrested and charged with harassment.