Ferde Grofé Sr.


Is Ferde Grofé Sr. Dead or Still Alive? Ferde Grofé Sr. Birthday and Date of Death

Ferde Grofé Sr.

Ferde Grofé Sr. Death

Ferde passed away on April 3, 1972 at the age of 80.

Ferde Grofé Sr. death quick facts:
  • When did Ferde Grofé Sr. die?

    April 3, 1972
  • How old was Ferde Grofé Sr. when died?


Ferde Grofé Sr. Birthday and Date of Death

Ferde Grofé Sr. was born on March 27, 1892 and died on April 3, 1972. Ferde was 80 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 27, 1892
Date of Death: April 3, 1972
Age at Death: 80

Ferde Grofé Sr. - Biography

Ferde Grofé (27 March 1892 – 3 April 1972) was an American composer, arranger and pianist. During the 1920s and 1930s, he went by the name Ferdie Grofé.