Fred Blackburn


Is Fred Blackburn Dead or Still Alive? Fred Blackburn Birthday and Age

Fred Blackburn

How Old Is Fred Blackburn? Fred Blackburn Birthday

Fred Blackburn was born in 1879 and is 145 years old now.

Birthday: 1879
How Old - Age: 145

Fred Blackburn Death Fact Check

Fred is alive and kicking and is currently 145 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Fred Blackburn - Biography

He was not only born in Blackburn but he went on to play for Blackburn. Fred was an artistic ball playing winger and first appeared for the Lancashire club way back in 1897. He then went on to make a total of 240 appearances scoring 30 goals. Whilst with the Rovers he was capped 3 times for England playing against Scotland twice and Ireland. He came South in May 1905 to join West Ham. A switch to wing half saw Fred play in a total of 237 games where he scored 28 goals. In 1911 he gained a well deserved benefit match against Coventry City where the proceeds of the league game were shared jointly with goalkeeper George Kitchen. He retired from playing in 1913 and joined the Navy. Fred later returned to the game as coach at Barking. He died in March 1951 in Ilford aged 72.