Freda Bedi Death
Freda passed away on March 26, 1977 at the age of 66 in New Delhi, India.
Freda Bedi death quick facts:
When did Freda Bedi die?
March 26, 1977How old was Freda Bedi when died?
66Where did Freda Bedi die? What was the location of death?
New Delhi, India
Freda Bedi Birthday and Date of Death
Freda Bedi was born on February 5, 1911 and died on March 26, 1977. Freda was 66 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: February 5, 1911
Date of Death: March 26, 1977
Age at Death: 66
Is Freda Bedi's father, Francis Edwin Houlston, dead or alive?
Francis Edwin Houlston's information is not available now.
Is Freda Bedi's mother, Nellie Diana Harrison, dead or alive?
Nellie Diana Harrison's information is not available now.
Freda Bedi - Biography
Freda Bedi was a British woman born in Derby, England, who became famous as the first Western woman to take ordination in Tibetan Buddhism.