Freda Slutzkin


Is Freda Slutzkin Dead or Still Alive? Freda Slutzkin Birthday and Date of Death

Freda Slutzkin

Freda Slutzkin Death

Freda passed away in 1999.

Freda Slutzkin death quick facts:
  • When did Freda Slutzkin die?

  • How old was Freda Slutzkin when died?


Freda Slutzkin Birthday and Date of Death

Freda Slutzkin died in 1999.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: 1999
Age at Death: -

Freda Slutzkin - Biography

Freda Slutzkin (died 1999) became the first female lawyer in Mandatory Palestine. She was born in Australia and studied law in Palestine before becoming the first woman to take and then to pass the bar examination in 1930.