Fritz Rotter


Is Fritz Rotter Dead or Still Alive? Fritz Rotter Birthday and Date of Death

Fritz Rotter

Fritz Rotter Death

Fritz Rotter passed away on April 11, 1984 at the age of 84.

Fritz Rotter death quick facts:
  • When did Fritz Rotter die?

    April 11, 1984
  • How old was Fritz Rotter when died?


Fritz Rotter Birthday and Date of Death

Fritz Rotter was born on March 3, 1900 and died on April 11, 1984. Fritz Rotter was 84 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 3, 1900
Date of Death: April 11, 1984
Age at Death: 84

Fritz Rotter - Biography

Fritz Rotter (1900–1984) was an Austrian writer and composer. Along with his brother Alfred he owned several Berlin theatres during the Weimar Republic but, due to his Jewish background, was forced to emigrate following the Nazi rise to power in 1933.