Georg Wittig


Is Georg Wittig Dead or Still Alive? Georg Wittig Birthday and Date of Death

Georg Wittig

Georg Wittig Death

Georg passed away on August 26, 1987 at the age of 90 in Heidelberg, Germany.

Georg Wittig death quick facts:
  • When did Georg Wittig die?

    August 26, 1987
  • How old was Georg Wittig when died?

  • Where did Georg Wittig die? What was the location of death?

    Heidelberg, Germany

Georg Wittig Birthday and Date of Death

Georg Wittig was born on June 16, 1897 and died on August 26, 1987. Georg was 90 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 16, 1897
Date of Death: August 26, 1987
Age at Death: 90

Georg Wittig - Biography

Georg Wittig (June 16, 1897 – August 26, 1987) was a German chemist who reported a method for synthesis of alkenes from aldehydes and ketones using compounds called phosphonium ylides in the Wittig reaction. He shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Herbert C. Brown in 1979.