Gino Hernandez


Is Gino Hernandez Dead or Still Alive? Gino Hernandez Birthday and Date of Death

Gino Hernandez

Gino Hernandez Death

Gino passed away on February 2, 1986 at the age of 28 in Highland Park, Texas, USA. Gino's cause of death was drug overdose.

Gino Hernandez death quick facts:
  • When did Gino Hernandez die?

    February 2, 1986
  • How did Gino Hernandez die? What was the cause of death?

    Drug overdose
  • How old was Gino Hernandez when died?

  • Where did Gino Hernandez die? What was the location of death?

    Highland Park, Texas, USA

Gino Hernandez Birthday and Date of Death

Gino Hernandez was born on August 14, 1957 and died on February 2, 1986. Gino was 28 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 14, 1957
Date of Death: February 2, 1986
Age at Death: 28

Gino Hernandez - Biography

Charles Eugene Wolfe Jr. (August 14, 1957 to February 2, 1986) was an American professional wrestler, better known by his ring name, Gino Hernandez. He is best known for his appearances with the Dallas, Texas-based promotion World Class Championship Wrestling between 1976 and 1986.
At the beginning of Gino Hernandez' career, he wrestled as a rookie babyface for Ed Farhat's Big Time Wrestling out of Detroit. Gino was a young, fresh-faced, inexperienced wrestler who got over with female fans due to his long black hair and good looks. He won the United States Heavyweight Championship in the Detroit area by defeating "Bulldog" Don Kent. Gino also wrestled at least one match around this time in the World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF). Gino eventually lost his United States Heavyweight Championship to the man who ruled Detroit for many years: The Sheik (promoter Eddie Farhat's in-ring Psycho-Arab heel persona).

Wolfe was married twice, both times to Janice Marie Bancroft. They were first married on April 10, 1976 in Harris County, Texas, before divorcing soon after on January 27, 1977. During their first marriage, they had a child. The pair remarried on April 12, 1978 before divorcing again on July 19, 1979.
On February 4, concerned with Hernandez's well-being, two World Class officials, David Manning and Rick Hazzard, and several local law enforcement officers broke into his Highland Park apartment and found Hernandez dead. He had been dead for approximately three to four days. Initially, Hernandez's death was ruled a homicide case, but following autopsy reports, his death was ruled as a result of an overdose of cocaine.