

Is Ginuwine Dead or Still Alive? Ginuwine Birthday and Age


How Old Is Ginuwine? Ginuwine Birthday

Ginuwine was born on October 15, 1970 and is 53 years old now.

Birthday: October 15, 1970
How Old - Age: 53

Ginuwine Death Fact Check

Ginuwine is alive and kicking and is currently 53 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Ginuwine's father, James Lumpkin II, dead or alive?

James Lumpkin II's information is not available now.

Is Ginuwine's mother, Sandra Lumpkin, dead or alive?

Sandra Lumpkin's information is not available now.

Ginuwine's sister :

  • Latisha Lumpkin

Ginuwine's brother :

  • James Lumpkin III

Ginuwine - Biography

Elgin Baylor Lumpkin, better known by his stage name Ginuwine, is an American singer, songwriter, dancer and actor. Signed to Epic Records since the mid-1990s, Ginuwine had released a number of multi-platinum and platinum-selling albums and singles, becoming one of R&B's top artists during the late 1990s and early 2000s.
In 2007, Ginuwine teamed up with Tyrese, and Tank and formed an R&B group among themselves called TGT and have signed to Atlantic Records in 2012. Their Grammy nominated debut album Three Kings was released in 2013. The first single of the album "Sex Never Felt Better" was released on iTunes on February 14, 2013 for Valentine's Day.

Ginuwine lost both his parents; his father took his own life, and his mother died of cancer less than a year later. Ginuwine struggled with grief and depression; he also thought of taking his own life. He received counseling from his pastor, which turned him to a more positive path. He recorded the song "Two Reasons I Cry" about the death of his parents on his 2001 album The Life.
Ginuwine was married to the American rapper Tonya M. Johnston better known by her stage name, Solé. Ginuwine met Solé in June 1999 and they began dating in October 1999. They were married on September 8, 2003 in Cayman Islands. They lived in Maryland. They have two daughters together: Story (born March 29, 2001) and Dream Sarae Lumpkin (born November 1, 2002). He has a son Elgin, Jr. (born January 30, 1991) from a previous relationship, as well as three other children by three different women.
In February 2009, Ginuwine announced he has nine children. Ramonda, Tiffany, Elgin, Ginel, Tahjir, Story & Dream plus two step children Dejan & Cypress. In November 2014 he announced he and Solé had separated. Their divorce was finalized July 22, 2015.