Gladys McConnell


Is Gladys McConnell Dead or Still Alive? Gladys McConnell Birthday and Date of Death

Gladys McConnell

Gladys McConnell Death

Gladys passed away on March 4, 1979 at the age of 73 in Fullerton, California.

Gladys McConnell death quick facts:
  • When did Gladys McConnell die?

    March 4, 1979
  • How old was Gladys McConnell when died?

  • Where did Gladys McConnell die? What was the location of death?

    Fullerton, California

Gladys McConnell Birthday and Date of Death

Gladys McConnell was born on October 25, 1905 and died on March 4, 1979. Gladys was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 25, 1905
Date of Death: March 4, 1979
Age at Death: 73

Is Gladys McConnell's father, William Marshall McConnell, dead or alive?

William Marshall McConnell's information is not available now.

Is Gladys McConnell's mother, Harriet Sharp, dead or alive?

Harriet Sharp's information is not available now.

Gladys McConnell's sister :

  • Hazel McConnell

Gladys McConnell - Biography

Gladys McConnell was an American film actress and aviator. She was born in Oklahoma City, Indian Territory. She was the daughter of William Marshall McConnell (born April 28, 1876, McNairy County, Tennessee) and his wife, Harriet (née Sharp; born October 10, 1882, Newbern, Tennessee), and had a sister, Hazel. Gladys McConnell attended Hollywood High School.