Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia


Is Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia Dead or Still Alive? Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia Birthday and Date of Death

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia Death

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia passed away on June 13, 1918 at the age of 39 in Perm, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia's cause of death was executed.

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia death quick facts:
  • When did Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia die?

    June 13, 1918
  • How did Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia when died?

  • Where did Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia die? What was the location of death?

    Perm, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia Birthday and Date of Death

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia was born on December 4, 1878 and died on June 13, 1918. Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia was 39 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 4, 1878
Date of Death: June 13, 1918
Age at Death: 39

Is Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia's father, Alexander III of Russia, dead or alive?

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia's father, Alexander III of Russia, is still alive and kicking. He is Russian and has had a career as a royalty.

Is Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia's mother, Maria Feodorovna, dead or alive?

Maria Feodorovna's information is not available now.

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia's sister :

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia's brothers :

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia has 3 brothers:

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia - Biography

Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia was the youngest son of Emperor Alexander III of Russia.