Harry Carey Death
Harry passed away on September 21, 1947 at the age of 69 in Brentwood, California. Harry's cause of death was lung cancer.
Harry Carey death quick facts:
When did Harry Carey die?
September 21, 1947How did Harry Carey die? What was the cause of death?
Lung cancerHow old was Harry Carey when died?
69Where did Harry Carey die? What was the location of death?
Brentwood, California
Harry Carey Birthday and Date of Death
Harry Carey was born on January 16, 1878 and died on September 21, 1947. Harry was 69 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 16, 1878
Date of Death: September 21, 1947
Age at Death: 69
Is Harry Carey's father, Henry DeWitt Carey, dead or alive?
Henry DeWitt Carey's information is not available now.
Is Harry Carey's mother, Ella J. Ludlum, dead or alive?
Ella J. Ludlum's information is not available now.
Harry Carey - Biography
Harry Carey was an American actor and one of silent film's earliest superstars. He was the father of Harry Carey Jr., who was also a prominent actor.