Hebe Camargo


Is Hebe Camargo Dead or Still Alive? Hebe Camargo Birthday and Date of Death

Hebe Camargo

Hebe Camargo Death

Hebe passed away on September 29, 2012 at the age of 83 in São Paulo, Brazil. Hebe's cause of death was cardiac arrest.

Hebe Camargo death quick facts:
  • When did Hebe Camargo die?

    September 29, 2012
  • How did Hebe Camargo die? What was the cause of death?

    Cardiac arrest
  • How old was Hebe Camargo when died?

  • Where did Hebe Camargo die? What was the location of death?

    São Paulo, Brazil

Hebe Camargo Birthday and Date of Death

Hebe Camargo was born on March 8, 1929 and died on September 29, 2012. Hebe was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 8, 1929
Date of Death: September 29, 2012
Age at Death: 83

Hebe Camargo - Biography

Hebe Maria Monteiro de Camargo Ravagnani (March 8, 1929 – September 29, 2012) was a Brazilian television host, singer and actress. She is considered the "Queen of Brazilian Television". She died at her home on September 29, 2012. Her net worth was over US$360 million.
In the 1960s, Camargo moved to the Rede Record network, where, for many years, she maintained a top-rated program. During the Jovem Guarda era, Hebe gave way to new talent. On April 10, 1966 the network began broadcasting a Sunday program featuring Camargo as an interviewer. This show was sponsored by the Brazilian airline, Varig, with an advertising featuring Camargo.

In 1980, after a long hiatus she returned to work as an interviewer. From March 1986 to December 2010, Camargo was on the SBT Network, where she presented the television program Hebe, which became one of the network's longest-running programs. The show was also broadcast on Rede Tupi and Rede Bandeirantes, and had a spin-off show Hebe por Elas (Hebe for Them) in the early 1990s. She also presented Fora do Ar, and participated in Telethon, comedy specials, and Romeu e Julieta, in which she starred with Ronald Golias and Nair Bello.
In 1995, EMI released a CD of Camargo's greatest hits. On April 22, 2006 she celebrated her thousandth program on SBT. She also has participated in social activities, such as taking part in the Cansei movement, a 2007 protest critical of the Brazilian government.
Camargo suffered from cancer since 2010. She died at dawn on September 29, 2012, having probably suffered a cardiac arrest while she was sleeping.