Helen Wills Moody


Is Helen Wills Moody Dead or Still Alive? Helen Wills Moody Birthday and Date of Death

Helen Wills Moody

Helen Wills Moody Death

Helen passed away on January 1, 1998 at the age of 92 in Carmel, California. Helen's cause of death was natural causes.

Helen Wills Moody death quick facts:
  • When did Helen Wills Moody die?

    January 1, 1998
  • How did Helen Wills Moody die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Helen Wills Moody when died?

  • Where did Helen Wills Moody die? What was the location of death?

    Carmel, California

Helen Wills Moody Birthday and Date of Death

Helen Wills Moody was born on October 6, 1905 and died on January 1, 1998. Helen was 92 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 6, 1905
Date of Death: January 1, 1998
Age at Death: 92

Helen Wills Moody - Biography

Helen Newington Wills (October 6, 1905 – January 1, 1998), also known as Helen Wills Moody and Helen Wills Roark, was an American tennis player. She became famous around the world for holding the top position in women's tennis for a total of nine years: 1927–33, 1935 and 1938. She won 31 Grand Slam tournament titles (singles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles) during her career, including 19 singles titles.