Hilary Hahn


Is Hilary Hahn Dead or Still Alive? Hilary Hahn Birthday and Age

Hilary Hahn

How Old Is Hilary Hahn? Hilary Hahn Birthday

Hilary Hahn was born on November 27, 1979 and is 45 years old now.

Birthday: November 27, 1979
How Old - Age: 45

Hilary Hahn Death Fact Check

Hilary is alive and kicking and is currently 45 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Hilary Hahn - Biography

Hilary Hahn (born November 27, 1979) is an American violinist. In her active international career she has performed throughout the world both as a soloist with leading orchestras and conductors and as a recitalist. She also has built a reputation for championing contemporary music. Several composers have written works specially for her, including concerti by Edgar Meyer and Jennifer Higdon.