Holly Dunn


Is Holly Dunn Dead or Still Alive? Holly Dunn Birthday and Date of Death

Holly Dunn

Holly Dunn Death

Holly passed away on November 15, 2016 at the age of 59 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Holly's cause of death was ovarian cnacer.

Holly Dunn death quick facts:
  • When did Holly Dunn die?

    November 15, 2016
  • How did Holly Dunn die? What was the cause of death?

    Ovarian cnacer
  • How old was Holly Dunn when died?

  • Where did Holly Dunn die? What was the location of death?

    Albuquerque, New Mexico

Holly Dunn Birthday and Date of Death

Holly Dunn was born on August 22, 1957 and died on November 15, 2016. Holly was 59 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 22, 1957
Date of Death: November 15, 2016
Age at Death: 59

Holly Dunn - Biography

Holly Suzette Dunn (August 22, 1957 — November 15, 2016) was an American country music singer and songwriter. The sister of songwriter Chris Waters, Dunn recorded for MTM Records between 1985-1988, Warner Bros. Records between 1988–93, and River North Records between 1995-97. She released ten albums and charted nineteen singles plus two duets on the Hot Country Songs charts. Of her single releases, two — "Are You Ever Gonna Love Me" and "You Really Had Me Going" — went to number 1. Dunn retired from music in 2003. In March, 2016, Dunn was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She died on November 15, 2016.