India de Beaufort


Is India de Beaufort Dead or Still Alive? India de Beaufort Birthday and Age

India de Beaufort

How Old Is India de Beaufort? India de Beaufort Birthday

India de Beaufort was born on June 27, 1987 and is 37 years old now.

Birthday: June 27, 1987
How Old - Age: 37

India de Beaufort Death Fact Check

India is alive and kicking and is currently 37 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is India de Beaufort's father, Nick Lloyd, dead or alive?

Nick Lloyd's information is not available now.

Is India de Beaufort's mother, Karen de Beaufort, dead or alive?

Karen de Beaufort's information is not available now.

India de Beaufort's brother :

  • Thomas Beaufort Lloyd

India de Beaufort - Biography

India de Beaufort is a British actress and singer-songwriter. She began her career on British television, before moving to United States with recurring role as Miranda Stone during the seventh season of One Tree Hill. Beaufort later co-starred as India Jourdain in the short-lived ABC Family comedy-drama series, Jane by Design, and in 2015 starred as Jules Jackman in the ABC prime time television soap opera, Blood & Oil.