James McCartney


Is James McCartney Dead or Still Alive? James McCartney Birthday and Age

James McCartney

How Old Is James McCartney? James McCartney Birthday

James McCartney was born on September 12, 1977 and is 47 years old now.

Birthday: September 12, 1977
How Old - Age: 47

James McCartney Death Fact Check

James is alive and kicking and is currently 47 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is James McCartney's father, Paul McCartney, dead or alive?

James McCartney's father, Paul McCartney, is still alive and kicking at the age of 82. He is British and has had a career as a musician.

Is James McCartney's mother, Linda McCartney, dead or alive?

James McCartney's mother, Linda McCartney, died on April 17, 1998 as she was 56 years old. Her cause of death was breast cancer.

James McCartney's sisters :

James has 4 sisters:
  • James McCartney's sister, Heather McCartney, is still alive and kicking at the age of 61. She is American and has had a career as a designer.

  • James McCartney's sister, Mary McCartney, is still alive and kicking at the age of 55. She is English and has had a career as a photographer.

  • James McCartney's sister, Stella McCartney, is still alive and kicking at the age of 53. She is British and has had a career as a fashion designer.

  • Beatrice McCartney

James McCartney's brother :

  • Arlen Shevell

James McCartney - Biography

James Louis McCartney is a British musician and songwriter living in London. He is the only son of songwriter and former Beatle Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney. He has contributed to a number of solo albums by his parents, including Flaming Pie and Driving Rain (2001) by Paul McCartney and Wide Prairie (1998) by Linda McCartney.