Jannat Mahid


Is Jannat Mahid Dead or Still Alive? Jannat Mahid Birthday and Age

Jannat Mahid

How Old Is Jannat Mahid? Jannat Mahid Birthday

Jannat Mahid was born on January 6, 1986 and is 38 years old now.

Birthday: January 6, 1986
How Old - Age: 38

Jannat Mahid Death Fact Check

Jannat is alive and kicking and is currently 38 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Jannat Mahid - Biography

Jannat Mahid (Arabic: جنات مهيد‎) (born January 6, 1986), known by her stage name Jannat, is one of the youngest female Arab artists to have graced the Middle East music scene. Her talent for singing was revealed early, when she attracted attention of her parents at age 5, repeating songs of Umm Kulthum and Mohammed Abdel Wahab. Helped by her family (namely her mother who is a retired singer), her beginning with the stage date by the age of 8 when she participated and won a national Moroccan music competition. Later she took part of a TV broadcast "Noujoum Al Ghad" (Stars Of Tomorrow, 2M TV). Following her success in the TV competition, Jannat decided to travel to the Middle East in an attempt to pursue her success, fame and stardom.